In my English class, we just got finished reading Animal Farm, an allegory of the Russian Revolution in 1917. In this book, there are several different elements of allegory that represent different circumstances of that time in history. In my opinion, the most effective allegory element in this story is the pigs representing human beings and how they naturally have a desire for power. Even in situations that may seem good like trying to reach Socialism, humans will tend to take advantage of these situations for their own good. In the beginning of this story the pigs are already shown to have a few powers over the other animals on Animal Farm. This is shown as early as chapter 2: "The work of teaching and organizing the others fell naturally upon the pigs, who were generally recognized as being the cleverest of the animals." This proves that even though all of the animals desired equality from Socialism, it was clear very early on that it would be impossible to gain complete equality because of the pigs' desire for power and leadership. Human beings are the exact same way, which is why Socialism always leads to Communism. The picture below shows the idea of Dictatorship and how even though the animals originally desired equality, they are now being oppressed under the rule of the non-equal animals (dogs and pigs).

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